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The Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City (JRE):

  • Serves as an outlet for ground-breaking theoretical and empirical approaches that explore race, ethnicity, identity and social justice;
  • Examines the complex relations between race, ethnicity and other vectors of identity, including gender, class, religion and sexuality;
  • Explores the influence of these complexities in shaping the social, economic, political, environmental, and cultural dimensions of urban spaces;
  • Deconstructs the role of colonial and post-colonial practices and discourses on race and ethnicity in shaping the urban spaces of everyday life within a global context;
  • Expands the global discourse on race, ethnicity and other vectors of identity;
  • Promotes interdisciplinary and comparative insights into race and ethnicity.

We are particularly interested in groundbreaking theoretical, empirical and engaged scholarship manuscripts that meet the aims and scopes of the journal and set the tone for future issues of the JRE. We invite manuscripts based on original empirical work, as well as review articles and shorter perspective pieces. 

Aims & Focus

We seek manuscripts that examine racial, ethnic, and/or identity dynamics within urban contexts. The urban context or place should be a clear dimension in the paper’s discussion.


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ScholarOne Manuscripts 

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